Friday, November 21, 2008

I like...


Go here, it'll changed your whole outlook and life and things and people.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Ups and downs...

not doing well at the mo...

life is just really hard sometimes. and it doesnt try cover up or pretend that it isnt hard, its just blatantly hard.


i need some hope that the things will be smoothed out...

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Could you please be more or less specific...

So things at the moment have all slowed down, finished with camps, finished with bible school, and here I am at home in my pink love heart pjamas blogging :) its positively lovely to be so relaxed, but at the same time my mind has started to analyse things, most things, and I seem to be being sucked into my mind, needing to get out to get some perspective on things, remind myself that my world is not the world.
but then at the same time, I havent just 'thought' for a long time. maybe I do it on purpose for this very reason, that thinking makes me down and I get stuck in my own head...
meanwhile this blog is not making much sense for you innocent bystanders reading it...
meanwhile, this is just today, im sure tomorrow will deliver lovely packages of wonderful things :)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The man walking his dog

I'm a Youth intern at my church. And part of being a youth intern is that I do 'bible in schools' at Rotokauri School every tuesday morning, which is so much fun, even at the early hour.
And so I battle the traffic from my house over to the other side of town every tuesday, and every tuesday morning without fail I see a man walking his dog. He's quite an elderly man, in his 60s perhaps, and everytime a car drives past he waves to them. At first I assumed that he knew the people in the car he waved to, untill he waved to me. The first time i was like huh? Then I realised that he waves to every car. He waves to every person he sees driving along that country road, perhaps being the first hello of the day for most, I know he is for me. This may seem really random, and it kinda is, but he has been on my mind for a month now and I just had to get my thoughts and sightings out there.
So thankyou, man walking your dog.
You're the reason shreads of true community and genuinely good people still exist in this day and age :)